10 Common Issues that Every Freelancer Faces

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The days when flexibility, hybrid working, and so many health benefits are given by several companies to retain talents or employees. There come the freelancers who give cold shoulders to full-time job opportunities or anything that involves coming to the office. While this is a 101% true fact that freelancing provides what on-site jobs can’t – the comfort of flexibility and potential earnings, it’s far from a utopian experience. But if any freelancer is asked, they cannot deny these top 3 challenges they face (as per the 2024 freelancer survey)…

  • Project Acquisition: Difficulty in finding clients and securing projects (57%).
  • Fluctuating Income: Unstable earnings due to project gaps (38%).
  • False Self-Employment: Misclassification as an employee by clients, leading to legal and financial risks (37%).

While the UAE gives a stage for freelancers, it’s not without its challenges. Financial stability can be a major issue, as income isn’t guaranteed. You’re your own boss, which means managing everything from finding clients to taxes. Benefits like health insurance and retirement plans are up to you, so you’ll need to plan accordingly. And let’s not forget the administrative hassle that comes with being your own business. 

Nowadays, global freelancers remain hesitant about signing contracts with clients due to the potential for scams. From the outset of your freelancing career, it’s important to establish clear expectations with clients to prevent fraudulent activities. Even on popular freelancing platforms, nearly one in five freelancers encounter scams or ghosting from clients after project completion.

1. Finding Your Next Gig

Ever felt like a detective searching for clues in a labyrinth of online platforms? 

That’s the daily grind for many freelancers.

Well, finding good and verified service seekers can be a rollercoaster of excitement and disappointment, but with the right strategies of specialising a niche as a freelancer, you can make it happen. Freelancers often spend a large amount of time on how to get clients. This can be time-consuming and mentally draining. The freelance market is flooded with highly talented people, making it problematic to stand out and attract the right clients/gigs. Knowing the right hourly rate or project fee can be tricky, as freelancers must balance their financial needs with market rates and the value they provide.

Strategies to Follow

  • Build a Rock-Solid Online Presence: Create a professional website, showcase your portfolio on platforms like Behance or Dribbble, and leverage social media to connect with potential clients.
  • Network, Network, Network: Attend industry events, join online communities, and participate in forums to expand your network and build relationships.
  • Referrals Do Matter: Ask satisfied clients for referrals to attract new business.
  • Free Consultations Always Work: Provide free consultations or small projects to demonstrate your skills and build trust.
2. Income Ups and Downs

The financial tightrope freelancing is like riding a  rollercoaster. One month you’re soaring high with a big project, and the next, you’re plummeting into a financial abyss. Learning to manage this instability is a crucial skill for any freelancer.  Moreover, freelancers typically don’t have access to employer-sponsored benefits like health insurance or retirement plans. Unexpected costs, such as equipment repairs or software upgrades, can significantly impact finances.

Strategies to Follow

  • Curate a Financial Plan: Develop a budget to track income and expenses, and set aside funds for emergencies and savings.
  • Consider Insurance: Explore options for health insurance, retirement plans, and professional liability insurance.
  • Diversify Income: Look for ways to diversify your income, such as offering additional services or teaching courses on YouTube.

READ MORE: Not Yet Paid as a Freelancer? These 8 Tips Got Your Back

3. Contract Scams

Don’t get burned. The internet is full of scammers, and freelancers are often their targets. Before signing a contract, be on the lookout for red flags and protect yourself from fraudulent activities. Even when you finally land a project, there’s always the risk of being scammed. Shady clients might promise the world, only to disappear with your hard-earned money.

4. Project Delays and Ghosting

Dealing with unreliable clients can be a nightmare. From delayed payments to project cancellations and even disappearing clients, it’s a reality many freelancers face. Learning to manage these situations can save you time, money, and sanity.

5. Platform Fees

Several freelancing platforms can be a great way to find clients easily, but they often come with hidden costs. They often charge commissions on project earnings, which can significantly reduce a freelancer’s income. Additionally, the lack of a pre-payment system and delayed payments can further impact a freelancer’s cash flow.

6. Managing Time and Productivity

One of the biggest challenges freelancers face is staying focused and productive without the structure of a traditional 9-to-5 office. The freedom to work from anywhere can easily turn into a distraction trap, leading to procrastination and a lack of motivation. It’s like being the captain of your own ship, but without a clear sailing route. Just for say, you’re a freelancer tasked with writing a blog post, website designing, and attending a virtual conference, all on the same day. Without a clear plan and boundaries, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and start scrolling through social media instead of tackling the tasks. This can lead to a decrease in productivity and quality of work, ultimately affecting your reputation and earnings.

Strategies to Follow

  • Set a Routine: Establish a daily or weekly routine to maintain structure and productivity.
  • Set Clear Goals: Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals to stay focused.
  • Use Productivity Tools: Use time management apps, task lists, and project management apps/softwares like Trello to stay organised.
  • Take Breaks: Short breaks throughout the day are important to avoid burnout and improve focus. Breathe at ease to make your workflow easier.
7. Maintaining Work-Life Balance

The flexibility of working from home can blur the lines between work and personal time, making it easy to get caught up in a never-ending cycle of work. Working alone can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. The constant pressure to perform and meet deadlines can make you feel nothing, other than just being an active machine.

Strategies to Follow

  • Boundaries must be There: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal time.
  • Inter-connect with Others: Join online communities or attend industry events to connect with other freelancers.
  • Take Care of Yourself: Prioritise self-care activities, such as exercise, hobbies, and relaxation.
8. Staying Up-to-Date with Industry Trends

The flexibility of working from home can blur the lines between work and personal time, making it easy to get caught up in a never-ending cycle of wor

The freelance market is not sticking around yesterday’s trends, making it a MUST for you to constantly learn, grow, and evolve along with industry trends. Freelancers must continuously develop their skills to settle on a competitive edge. Adapting to new technologies and tools can be challenging. For example, a freelance digital marketer specialising in social media and other digital marketing services need to adapt almost everyday. In 2023, reels were all the rage on Instagram. To stay relevant, they might have experimented with creating short-form video content for their clients. However, in 2024, the trend might shift towards AI-generated content or more interactive features. If you’re not keeping up with these changes, your clients might start looking for marketers who are more in tune with the latest trends or services.

Strategies to Follow

  • Read Industry Publications: Have a go through with industry news and trends by reading blogs, articles, and books, every single day.
  • Take Online Courses (like on Coursera): Enroll in online courses or workshops to learn new skills and stay updated.
  • Join Professional Organisations: Become a member of professional organisations to network with peers and access educational resources.k. Working alone can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. The constant pressure to perform and meet deadlines can make you feel nothing, other than just being an active machine.
9. The Employee Trap

Before moving forward, it’s always important to have your paperwork in order. Freelancers often fall into the trap of informal client relationships, which can lead to legal and financial complications. Some small businesses, particularly digital marketing agencies, may exploit freelancers in the pursuit of profit, disregarding the contractual agreements in place.

The worst part? Some clients might try to trick you into thinking you’re an employee. This can have serious consequences, as you may lose out on the benefits and protections afforded to independent contractors.

For example, a freelance graphic designer was hired by a small marketing agency on a project-based contract. The agency initially provided clear guidelines and deadlines. However, as the project progressed, the agency began to request additional work without compensation, citing ‘scope creep’ When the designer raised their concern, the agency threatened to withhold payment unless the work was completed. This situation left the designer in a vulnerable position, potentially facing financial losses and legal disputes if the agency failed to meet its contractual obligations.

To protect themselves, freelancers should:

  • Insist on written contracts: Clearly outline the scope of work, payment terms, deadlines, and intellectual property rights.
  • Consult with legal professionals: Seek advice on contract negotiation, dispute resolution, and tax implications.
  • Maintain proper records: Keep documentation of all communications, deliverables, and payments.
  • Be aware of labour laws: Understand local regulations regarding minimum wage, overtime, and worker’s rights. For the UAE, the law must be different than in the UK.

NOTE: It’s important for both parties to get clear about things from the ground up. If they have the right to verify your profile or freelance licence in the UAE, you do have the right to question the nature of the contract.

10. Freelancing’s ‘Rate’ Race

Without a fixed salary, freelancers are playing a high-stakes game of poker, trying to determine the perfect value for their skills. It’s a balancing act between charging what they’re worth and securing clients.

Factors like experience, expertise, market trends, and the project’s complexity all play a role in setting rates. However, it’s not just about the numbers. Freelancers must also consider the client’s budget and expectations. Overcharging might scare away clients, while undercharging can undervalue their work and lead to burnout.

Moreover, freelancing platforms often limit the flexibility for freelancers to set their own rates. Clients may be hesitant to pay what freelancers deserve, especially if the platform’s algorithms suggest lower rates. This can create a challenging environment for freelancers who are trying to establish fair pricing for their services.

Freelancing can be a rewarding and fulfilling career path, But…

It’s not for everyone.

It needs a strong work ethic, self-discipline, and the ability to adapt to constantly changing patterns of freelancing. If you’re up for the challenge and enjoy the freedom and flexibility to the fullest, freelancing can be a great way to build a top-notch career and portfolio.

In today’s world, collaboration and adaptability are key. A platform like Wizer can help you level up your skills and connect with top clients in the UAE.

Join us in creating a better world for freelancers. Be part of the first-ever marketplace in the UAE.

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