The Hidden Risks of Hiring Unverified Professionals

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The times when businesses like yours are bound to flourish for the one-of-its-kind product or service, there step in the unverified freelancers or professionals. The minute you start dreaming about the upliftment of your project, it shatters, breaks into tidbits of emptiness. 

It’s you as a service seeker, the visionary business owner, who has to do what it takes to hire the best fit for your project.

But sometimes the pressure to fill vacancies quickly can overshadow the very important step of thorough background checks. The examples are many, present on several globally-recognised freelance platforms, right there in front of your eyes. 


However, hiring unverified professionals/freelancers comes with risk, of course. In many of the risks, commonly you expose your company or business to a myriad of hidden risks that can have far-reaching consequences.  Missed deadlines, shoddy work, even legal trouble—it’s a minefield out there. Thus, this blog particularly wants to address the essence of screening as well as the various risks associated with hiring unverified professionals.


1.The Illusion of a Perfect Service Provider

It’s easier than ever for candidates to decorate their resumes and online profiles enough in order to trick the clients. Unverified professionals may misrepresent their qualifications, experience, etc., to secure a coveted position. This can lead to hiring someone who lacks the necessary skills or experience to perform the job effectively, resulting in decreased productivity, project delays, and financial losses.


Case in point

A company hired a software developer based on a catchy resume and references. However, it was later discovered that the candidate had fabricated their credentials and lacked the technical expertise required for the role. This resulted in project delays and cost overruns as the company had to rehire and retrain a new developer.


2.The Legal Minefield

Bringing on a freelancer without checking them out can be like stepping on a legal landmine. Here’s why.


Negligent Hiring: If a freelancer with a shady past (think criminal record or history of misconduct) harms someone while working for you, your company could be held responsible. It’s called negligent hiring, and it can lead to serious legal trouble.

Misrepresentation: What if a freelancer fibs about their skills or experience? This can also land you in hot water, with potential legal challenges and claims of fraud.


Case in point

Imagine you hire a freelance graphic designer to create marketing materials for your new product launch. They claim to have years of experience and a stellar portfolio. But what you don’t know is that they’ve been sued for copyright infringement in the past. If they use copyrighted images in your marketing campaign without permission, guess who’s on the hook? 


You got it – you are! And the consequences could be severe, including hefty fines and damage to your reputation.


3.The Financial Black Hole


The costs associated with hiring an unverified professional can quickly spiral out of control. In addition to the direct expenses of recruitment and training, there are also hidden costs such as lost productivity, project delays, and legal fees. Moreover, if an unverified employee or freelancer engages in fraudulent activities, it could lead to significant financial losses for the company.


Case in point

A financial institution hired a new accountant without verifying their credentials. The accountant, who had a history of embezzlement, managed to siphon off a substantial amount of money from the company before being caught. This resulted in significant financial losses and reputational damage for the institution.


4.The Reputational Time Bomb

Your company’s reputation is one of its most valuable assets. Hiring an unverified professional/ freelancer who engages in unethical or illegal activities can severely tarnish your company’s image and erode customer trust. This can lead to lost business opportunities, decreased revenue, and difficulty attracting and retaining top talent.


Case in point 

A well-known retail chain hired a customer service representative without conducting a background check. The employee, who had a history of aggressive behaviour, was involved in a public altercation with a customer. This incident went viral on social media, causing significant damage to the company’s reputation and leading to a boycott by some customers.


5.The Security Breach Nightmare

In an interconnected world, data security is first things first. Hiring an unverified professional can increase the risk of data breaches, cyberattacks, and theft of confidential information. This can not only lead to financial losses but also damage your company’s reputation and erode customer trust.


Case in point

A technology company hired a new IT expert without conducting a thorough background check. The specialist, who had a history of hacking, gained unauthorised access to the company’s sensitive data and sold it to a competitor. This resulted in significant financial losses and reputational damage for the company.


The Importance of Screening

Pre-employment screening is a step in the hiring process that helps mitigate the risks associated with hiring unverified professionals. It involves verifying a candidate’s background to ensure they are who they claim to be and possess the necessary skills and integrity to perform the job effectively. Well, here’s the lowdown.


    • Identity verification: No more catfishing. Make sure your freelancer or professional is actually who they say they are and can legally work. In the case of the UAE, check whether they have their licence or freelance visa to work here or not.


    • Background checks: Dig a little deeper. See if there are any red flags in their past that might affect your project.


    • Reference checks: Hit up or ask them about their old clients. Get the real scoop on their work ethic and performance.


    • Education verification: Did they really graduate from that college they’d mentioned back in their portfolio? Verify those beforehand.


    • Social media screening: Get a feel for their online profile. Are they professional and reliable?



PROs of Pre-Employment Screening

Here’s a closer look at the common types of screening.


    • Criminal Background Checks: These checks look for criminal records at the county, state, and federal levels. They help you identify potential issues like theft, violence, or other offenses that might be relevant to the job.


    • Employment Verification: This confirms that the candidate actually worked where they said they did and for how long. It helps prevent resume fraud and ensures accuracy.


    • Education Verification: Similar to employment verification, this confirms the candidate’s degrees, diplomas, certifications, or licenses. It’s crucial for roles that require specific qualifications.


    • Reference Checks: Talking to previous employers or clients they worked with can give you valuable insights into the candidate’s work ethic, skills, and personality.


Credit Checks: These checks are typically used for positions involving financial responsibility. They assess the candidate’s credit history to identify potential financial risks.


Why is Screening Important?

Here’s why it’s so crucial for businesses:


    • Reduces Risk: Helps you avoid negligent hiring lawsuits, theft, fraud, workplace violence, and reputational damage.


    • Improves Quality of Hire: You get to select qualified and trustworthy individuals only who are a good fit for your business.


    • Protects Your Workforce: Creates a safer and more secure work environment for all employees.


    • Better Productivity: Leads to a more productive workforce by hiring the right providers from the start.


    • Strengthens Your Brand: Demonstrates your commitment to trust, security, and ethics.



Best Practices for Screening


    • Curate an in-depth screening policy: Clearly define the types of checks that will be conducted for each position.


    • Obtain written consent from candidates: Candidates must be aware of the screening process and provide their consent.


    • Use reputable platforms: Partner with open and reliable marketplaces that actually believe in quality over quantity.


    • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations: Adhere to data privacy laws and anti-discrimination regulations.


    • Document all screening activities: Maintain detailed records of all background checks conducted.



Streamline Your Process with Wizer Pro in the UAE

Ever wished this process were a bit simpler? Wizer Pro gets it. We’ve built an all-in-one platform that takes the hassle out of verifying freelancers and professionals in the UAE.


Here’s the deal.


    • Easy-Peasy Onboarding: No more mountains of paperwork. Candidates breeze through onboarding, submitting their info and agreeing to checks with just a few clicks.


    • Licence Verification on Autopilot: We handle the core part of the process– licence checks to save tons of time and energy.


    • Top-Notch Security: We are integrated with Stripe to make payments flexibly and securely.


Note: Your data is safe and sound with our platform.


    • Hire Smarter, Not Harder: Spend less time on tedious checks and more time finding the perfect people for your projects.


Wizer Pro is that weapon for smooth and efficient collaboration with the top licensed freelancers or professionals in the UAE. Let us take care of the background checks, so you can focus on building your business.



Download our app today and get started!




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